Now residing in Anchorage, this SWOOSH BLUE Compact Nesting Kit is ready to explore The Last Frontier! 7x10, 10x14, 16x18, 4½x14; plied maple; satin wax.
Rounding out the owner's set of concert mount and floor toms, this boomin' thang is gonna Lay It Down! 20x24; plied maple; satin wax.
Because your symphony orchestra didn't have a proper snare with wooden hoops! The cables on this thing can be dialed in to give you tones just right for lots of movie theme songs, orchestral passages and marches. 7x14; plied maple; satin wax.
This DARK blue Tupan is easy to transport while still sounding great! 10x18; plied maple; satin wax.
We've got lots of pairs of Concert Toms to offer, but hadn't made a listing for this popular combination before -- here ya go! 7x8, 8x10; plied maple; satin wax.
Another Thumper is born! Ratcheting just a notch deeper than some others, it's still shallower than a standard single-headed bass...just the way the customer wants it! Chrome over Black -- a classic look -- with a SuperKick II for a Thumpin' Sound! 10¾x20; plied maple; satin wax.
YELLOW! These CS-18s (with an extra cymbal arm) can be yellow! 7x10, 10x14, 16x18, 4½x14; plied maple; satin wax.
"Black. Well, Black at a distance, but maybe kinda blue up close. With blue rope" became a custom color mix just right for this artist. With a more-manageable 12" depth, this guy's easy to get around and sounds huge! 12x24; plied maple; satin wax.
Like the Standard CS-205, this 5-piece kit all nests into one case, but this time, the mounted toms are a skosh shallower, there's a wooden audience-side hoop, the air vents are the smaller ⅜ kind and this kit shows off the new CODE drumheads direct from the UK! 7x10, 8x13, 10x16, 16x20, 4½x14; plied maple; satin wax. BLACK hardware on a beaded black nickel-plated brass shell with tube lugs and diecast hoops?!? Well, here ya go! 6½x14; smooth black nickel over beaded brass.
February 2025