Take a standard Compact Nesting Kit CS-20, upgrade to a wooden front bass hoop, add some blue dye, and *TA-DA!!!* you have a beautiful drumset that gets you in and out in one trip and stores up neat and tidy when not in use. 7½x12, 10x16, 16x20, 4½x14; plied maple; satin wax.
Add another sound option to your set up! Featuring bowtie lugs, triple-flanged hoops, and a Trick Strainer with the TH logo (SWEET!), this piccolo snare was built as an addition to a customer’s existing TreeHouse kit. 4x14; plied maple; Hardmatte wax.
A "Silver Lining" story: For the past 20 years, the 5 drum lesson studio rooms at Supersonic Music have had a mix of various brands of drums for students and teachers to work on--some have been cool, some cruddy. Amid all the frustrations that the COVID Lockdown brought upon us all in 2020, we had some time to make progress on one of Derek's ideas of having TreeHouse Drums in the studios. Featuring the great-condition hardware (lugs, spurs, brackets, etc) from some of the studio kits to work on new maple shells, check out these great drumsets and snare drums that folks'll get to whack upon while learning this great artform!
January 2025