Our very own Kelly White recently took his TH kit on the road for a 3-show run with PlayDead featuring special guest David Gans. Venues included The Bottleneck in Lawrence, KS, and the Dancin' in the Streets Festival and HVAC Pub in Chicago, IL.
It's always great hearing gig stories from you, KW! Thanks for repping TreeHouse! Behold the magnificence of the new Vintage Pro Club drums! A DARK RED Dye opens up the Mahogany pores to pour out a rich look with big, low sounds and vintage vibe. Pre-made with the same craftsmanship as our regular drums, this series offers fewer options, fast lead times, and lower pricing than the current Price List. Want them made differently? Sure! It'll take longer and cost more, but these drums are ready to ship out this week to hit your stage, studio, or roll on tour! Includes: — 9x13 Mounted Tom — 16x16 Floor Tom with Legs — 14x24 Bass Drum — 6½x14 Snare Drum Available options/add-ons: — 7½” and 8" Deep Snare Drums — 16x18 Floor Tom with Legs — 4-pc Protection Racket Padded Soft Cases — Tom Arm: 10.5mm Ball-N-Socket on ⅞” Shaft — Diecast Hoops on the Snare, Toms, or both
February 2025