Compact Nesting Kits
Seam LatchesThe issue at hand had to do with the seam of a shell that was split--it had to reconnect quickly and easily; the mechanism doing this had to be robust, light, small, quiet, and operable in the dark with one hand; the seam needed to lock together solidly without buzzes or rattles, without air leaks, and maintain integrity to support weight; and it all had to look relatively unobtrusive. It took months to find a latch that comes close. We discovered that the latch alone is only part of the answer. To finish the solution, the “Seam Lip” evolved.
Seam LipsThe Seam Lip, coupled with our low-mass latches work together to get your drums together in a jiffy and stay together. Seam Lips are like reinforcing rings which protrude from one edge of a split shell so as to align and strengthen the joining of that shell to its “lid.” How’s about the sound? We’re not scientists who can claim that these split-and-reassembled shells sound as though they were never split, but we’re drummers who are telling you that these drums sound fantastic--and yet they come apart!
Why nest your drums?
Different folks have different goals with this series Some are about Lightweight. How Light can you get your drumset? Others are interested in Small. How Small can drums be and still sound great? Yet other folks just dig the idea of Compact. How’s about just one trip in from the van? We’ve got strategies for all these goals: How do you want your Compact Kit?
WeightHow Lightweight can you get your drumset? One kit we made had a 13” snare, 10” mounted tom, 13” mounted floor tom, 16” bass with brackets to hold everything in place including a pound or two of extra arm brackets. It hit the scales at 33.8 pounds. Another kit weighed in at 41 pounds with a 10/14/18/14SD configuration before the extra brackets. Add in the hardware--arms for snare, tom, floor tom, and two cymbals--and the total creeped up to about 45 pounds. Check it out: All you’d need to add is a throne, hi hat stand, and cymbals to play the kit. Toss in some cases or bags and you’ve got a complete kit in well under 90 pounds.
DimensionHow small can a kit be and still sound great? We fit a 4-pc kit in your floor tom bag. A 10” mounted tom went in a 13” mounted floor tom which had a 13” snare sitting on top--they all then fit in a 15x16 bass drum with one wooden hoop. It all fit in a standard 16x16 floor tom case, even with spurs and tom brackets! The really neat thing is that it sounds huge!
CompactnessHow Compact can a real drumset be? The answer: one trip. Get your drums in a case with wheels, set some hardware on top, and strap on your cymbal bag--maybe even size the bass drum case to hold the cymbals too! With cymbal arms and a snare arm, your cymbal stand bases can cuddle up next to your snare stand in the closet while you’re out gigging.
Another reason players choose TreeHouse Compact Nesting Kits is for the potential of a small footprint. Although these drumsets can appear as normal as any other kit, like the 5-pc "Game Changer" below, you can configure yours to where there are only 3 things on the floor: your throne, a Hi Hat stand, and the bass drum like in the "Compact w/Tray" project below.
All Compact Kits come with quality hardware with a few options. |